Located in /multisql.class.php (line 16)
Get the number of rows affected by the last query.
Disconnect from the server.
Connect to the server.
Check if the connection has been established.
Convert a SQL-query.
Get the last error.
Escape a string.
Fetch a row in an array.
Fetch a row in an associative array.
Fetch a row in an object.
Fetch a row in a numerical array.
Free the last result-set.
Get the type of the database-server.
Get the last result-set.
Get the number of rows in the last result-set.
Send a query.
Select a database.
Sets the state of the debugger.
Set the last result-set.
Documentation generated on Thu, 12 Mar 2009 16:30:23 +0800 by phpDocumentor 1.4.2